Teen Volunteer Application Looking for your next great read for your child? Use NoveList K-8 to discover your new authors, series, or titles!NameStreet Address *City *ZIP / Postal Code *Phone *Please include area codeEmail AddressPlease enter an email if you have oneAge *Please select your age1213141516171819Grade *Please select your grade56789101112Why do you want to volunteer at the library? *What days and times are you available to volunteer? *Reference 1 *Please enter the name and contact phone or email for your primary referenceReference 2Please enter the name and contact phone or email for your second reference if you have oneApplicant Signature *Yes, I confirm that the information provided is accurate.Parent or Guardian Signature (if applicant is under 18 years old) *Yes, I agree that the information provided is accurate, and approve my child volunteering at the library. Send Message