
Online Resources

NoveList Plus -- Can’t decide what to read next? Use NoveList to discover your next favorite author, series, or title! Let NoveList know your current favorite book or series, and NoveList will recommend read-alikes you're sure to enjoy.
Explora -- Explore hundreds of topics in thousands of magazines, encyclopedias, journals, and videos. EBSCO Explora is a great resource to find articles and information for school reports, projects, and more. Provided by the Library of VA.
Homework HelpNow -- Connect LIVE with a certified tutor, seven days a week between 2 and 11 pm, for help with assignments and research, including math, reading, writing, science, social studies, and more! Submit papers to a tutor in the Writing Lab for constructive feedback or take practice exams and create your own flashcards to prepare for tests. Tutoring is available in English and Spanish.
Transparent Language -- Transparent Language Online offers in-depth, self-paced classes that focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking over +140 languages. Courses include various Indigenous languages, ASL, and ESL/ELL materials in 34 languages. Provided by the Library of VA.
See all the great LPL Online Resources